The Journey is to find our true selves within, to make our outsides match our insides. God woke me up by the back of the neck in 1981, and I experienced a full surrender and knew in my innermost heart that my life was all about submitting to the Will of God. I have never looked back, though I have fallen off the beam from time to time as I managed my 'ism'. I never knew I had one until I got clean and sober, and then it became obvious, I was trying to manage this 'ism' with outside remedies, which worked for awhile, until they didn't. I was a cradle Catholic who left the Church and Mary brought me back. I received the gift of Knowledge of the Self from Prem Rawat which I practice daily. Somehow, I go within my heart where my mind cannot enter, and I come out with a cup over flowing and peace that passeth understanding. We are dust on vacation and every day, every breath counts. Make the most of it. One lifetime..run with it.
The Journey is to find our true selves within, to make our outsides match our insides. God woke me up by the back of the neck in 1981, and I experienced a full surrender and knew in my innermost heart that my life was all about submitting to the Will of God. I have never looked back, though I have fallen off the beam from time to time as I managed my 'ism'. I never knew I had one until I got clean and sober, and then it became obvious, I was trying to manage this 'ism' with outside remedies, which worked for awhile, until they didn't. I was a cradle Catholic who left the Church and Mary brought me back. I received the gift of Knowledge of the Self from Prem Rawat which I practice daily. Somehow, I go within my heart where my mind cannot enter, and I come out with a cup over flowing and peace that passeth understanding. We are dust on vacation and every day, every breath counts. Make the most of it. One lifetime..run with it.
The Journey is to find our true selves within, to make our outsides match our insides. God woke me up by the back of the neck in 1981, and I experienced a full surrender and knew in my innermost heart that my life was all about submitting to the Will of God. I have never looked back, though I have fallen off the beam from time to time as I managed my 'ism'. I never knew I had one until I got clean and sober, and then it became obvious, I was trying to manage this 'ism' with outside remedies, which worked for awhile, until they didn't. I was a cradle Catholic who left the Church and Mary brought me back. I received the gift of Knowledge of the Self from Prem Rawat which I practice daily. Somehow, I go within my heart where my mind cannot enter, and I come out with a cup over flowing and peace that passeth understanding. We are dust on vacation and every day, every breath counts. Make the most of it. One lifetime..run with it.